Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Little Biscuits!

Made them this morning on a whim as I ran out of bread at home and could not accept skipping breakfast.

They are made of 1 cup of Trader Joe's Multigrain Pancake Mix, 1/2 cup of soy milk, and 1 1/2 tbsps of olive oil.

Anyhoo I mixed it all up, kneaded it several times, patted it into a square 1/2 inch thick and then took a sharp knife and cut down the middle from top to bottom and then across, to form 4 little squares. Put the 4 squares on a lightly floured baking paper and baked it for 9 minutes at 425 Fahrenheit.

This is how they turned out:

They were really good straight out of the oven and dabbed with butter and a little fig jam. Mmmmm!


cf said...

ahh, so these are the biscuits, you've mentioned. i wish that photo had a scent-and-taste feature.

Unknown said...

How beautiful they are. If I made that it would've just fallen flat.

Was there a recipe that you followed or made it up yourself?

Janel l'a dit... said...

I most certainly did not make it up myself! Ha!

If you go to TJ's and buy the Multigrain Pancake Mix, and look carefully at the box, you may find a clue as to where I found the recipe!!!! Don't tell anyone!!!!! (Ooops, I think I just told everyone......)