The Yogurt Cake is a marvelous recipe. For those who think that baking from scratch is a strenuous process, the "Gâteau Au Yaourt" as it's called in French, will prove you wrong!
I was so enticed by a couple posts on Chocolate & Zucchini, where Clotilde demonstrated a couple of lovely variations this cake allows. In fact, the variations you can try with this recipe are endless.
Basically, the basic recipe is a Plain Yogurt Cake. From this basic recipe, you can add whatever your heart desires. I decided to do, as the title of this post suggests, a Raspberry and Rémy Martin Yogurt Cake!
It turned out so adorable! Don't you think?
Other variations I think would be fabulous:
• Orange Juice + Zest + Mini Chocolate Chips.
• Cut in half and spread Apricot Jam in the middle.
• Replacing the Yogurt with Sour Cream.
• Replacing the Plain Yogurt with a Fruit Flavored Yogurt
(in this case remember to reduce the amount of sugar you use).
• Top cake with Cherry Preserves.
• Add Pomegranate into the batter.
• Use a big loaf pan, or small little cute loaf pans for individual portions!
• Use Brown Sugar instead of White.
• Add Ground Almonds in batter.
Ooof! There are tons more variations I am sure....
Check out Clotilde's recipe for the Yogurt Cake, as that is the one I used.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Raspberry & Rémy Martin Yogurt Cake
Janel l'a dit...
1:52 AM
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Filming of "Pursuit of Happiness" on MY block!
Just wanted to let you know that on September 25, 2005 I woke up to find that the set of "Pursuit of Happiness" starring Will Smith decided to take over my block!
Here is what it looked like on O'Farrell and Leavenworth...
Notice in this first picture, Will Smith is actually coming out of his SUV, to begin shooting. If you look carefully, I believe his son can be seen in the car as well.
First take begins.
Soon, after a series of takes up Leavenworth, the crew moved up O'farrell St, and set up shop at my doorstep... Catering was literally at my door, and I snapped this photo as I stepped out to go to the post office... Getting through that mess was a struggle, but it was entertaining as well!
After I got back from the post office, I went up to the fire escape to see the view from there. Old taxis from the 70's took over the street. What a sight!
As I tried to head off to work, I was bombarded with actors and crew all over the place... I managed to seal a shot with Will Smith! Who would have known! (I look like such a dorkus)
Janel l'a dit...
2:19 AM
Friday, November 25, 2005
SF Strays Thanksgiving 2005
Thank you Michael for hosting such a wonderful Thanksgiving feast! As usual when Michael throws a party, you can always expect high standards. A carefully and elaborately planned menu, consisting of unique combinations, hard hard work put into the details and presentation, and a final result that always tantalizes. I am always impressed and it was no different for Michael's 2005 SF Strays Thanksgiving Dinner Party. On top of Michael's (and Kathryn's) awesome cooking, each of us guests had a role to play, concocting an element of the dinner. Some really great dishes were made...... Thank you all!
First course of the meal is set on the table. What you see here are various creations from the SF Strays gang. Michael made the comforting Carrot Cream soup with Pistachios and Audrey made the fabulous Pear, Cranberry and Blue-cheese Salad. Also pictured is Ellie's rich Red Wine, Pear & Apple sauce, Michael's tangy crack-laden Grand Marnier Cranberry "sauce" and Sarah's spicy Pumpkin Pie. (We were already on the way to being stuffed before the soup and salad came, due to the aperitif nibbles we devoured before-hand)
Mike doing the honors carving the roast. It looked really good, very elaborately created, with fine details such as roasted onions. Pictured is my Butternut Squash Mashed Potatoes, Michael and Kathryn's Brussels Sprout dish, and hiding behind that is my Roasted Sweet Corn. Notice Louisiana in front of the roast, inspecting Mike's every move...
Here is a close up of the soup and salad. Notice Sarah's Cranberry Quince Chutney that was so fabuloso.
Ellie, enjoying her Carrot soup by the fire.
After gobbling up the first course, Ellie and I are goofing off impatiently waiting for the main course to recieve it's final touches!
The turkey is served, we are all gathered round, and feasing away! As usual, Michael cannot hold still in front of the camera!
Michael doesn't cease to impress! A lady-finger based cheese cake with macerated blackberries. This cake was so gooood!
Sarah and Louisiana demonstrate what it feels like to be stuffed by Thanksgiving dinner by plopping on the couch! Sadly Louisiana (the doggie) chooses to demonstrate in a very rude way by being very very sinky...... in a fart-ish sort of way!
Janel l'a dit...
12:30 PM